May the 4th was a special Star Wars day at Coastal Board Gamers. Play-to-win game was a tie between Nic, Oakley, Dave H, Dave D, Chris, and Narelle. Winner with the highest Top Trumps Galactic Legend was Oakley. Thanks to all those who brought along something to show on the Star Wars display table.
Here are the games we played:
- Star Wars Top Trumps Battle Mat (play-to-win)
- Star Wars Love Letter
- Star Wars The Clone Wars (game of the night)
- Paperback
- Dungeons & Dragons
- D&D Lost Mine of Phandelver (campaign creation)
- Septima
- Parks
- Splendor: Marvel
- Jamaica
- Project L
- It’s A Wonderful World
- Great Western Trail
- Wormholes
- Cascadia
- Raiders of the North Sea
- Jaipur
- Goat’s Day Out
- Sleeping Queens
Report from Chris
I think every game I played was a new game for me. Starting with Paperback which Penny taught. Then onto some Star Wars games taught by Narelle and Josh. After tea Tim taught us Wormholes and then a few quick games. We took some Goats for a day out and woke up some Sleeping Queens. A very enjoyable night indeed.
Report From Narelle
I almost brought along Raiders of the North Sea as I haven’t played it in ages – like over a year if not 2 and was feeling a hankering to play it recently but changed my mind and put in Cascadia (which got played). I just finished a starter game of DnD (thanks to the fellas for teaching it to me) and turned around and Cliff/Mel had just finished their teach and had space for one more and invited me to be their 4th. This was the game which made me love worker placement games and it is still a winner in my opinion, I have the expansions for it but as a base game it is still awesome.

Report From Mike
Thanks everyone for making last nights “May the 4th” a terrific event of gaming! It started with the whiteboard with lots of ‘Star Wars quotes’ and an overwhelmingly popular sign up for the Dark Side. And a table of SW collectables & merch.

In games I played Star Wars Love Letters – a Print n Play version with Amy, Talita and Penny. Congratulations to Amy who won four games in a row! Amazing.

Penny did a fantastic job re-teaching ‘It’s a Wonderful World’ to Carl, Haydn, Amy and myself in an epic five player battle of cube resource conversion and victory points. Penny won with Haydn ‘winning’ with in second place.

After dinner, and Carls surprise birthday announcement 😉 we had a four player game of Great Western Trail. We played it in “speed” fashion (quick turns) and finished in an impressive 100 minutes with Carl being the train & cow champion. GG.

Thanks again to everyone who participated last night and made Star Wars night a great event, and to whoever signed my name under the Rebel Alliance… I have to go now, I have stormtroopers knocking at my door…