Games we played on 22/12/2023 at the CBG Christmas event.
- Sake (Dave’s Playtest)
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Near and Far
- Exploding Kittens
- Dogs of War
- Tsuro
- Aeons End
- Bites
- Kingdomino
- Mysterium Park
- Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
- Mainframe
- Crash Octopus
- Marvel Legendary
- Nidavellir
- Rolling Realms
- Agricola
- Cosmic Frog
- Machi Koro 2
- Cards Against Humanity Family Edition
- Guillotine
Near and Far
There was a great commotion at the Near and Far table as their game ended. Everyone was amazed that Jarod had come last! David said, “We beat Jarod, It’s a Christmas miracle!”
CBG League
See all the details at our new league web page here. Signup sheet will be available at the first January event on 06/01/2024 or email to join in.

Game Reports from Mike
Thanks everyone who turned up to CBG last night and made it a fun event! 😎 other games I was involved in was Dog’s of War (or “Hats of War” as I prefer to call it…

Dogs of war is a light-medium complexity tug-of-war euro of “houses” who fight each other, but you don’t control a specific house… we try to sway victory in the background. I had the pleasure of playing with Jim & Trisha for the first time, along with Talita and Carl. Lots of tense decisions and shenanigans, and we weren’t sure who was going to win… however the final 3 were very close- Jim won with 60, Carl 55 and Talita 53. I tip my hat to Jim for winning. 😜
Next up was Crash Octopus, which I didn’t play but it’s always fun to watch… so much silly crazy fun.

The last game I was involve involved in was the return of COMIC FROG, a bit of a CBG favourite.

Players control immortal two-mile tall space frogs with an insatiable appetite for eating worlds, and fighting each other. The game is as bizarre as it is chaotic and fun, and an “Oomph” mechanic (yes you spend “oomph”) and a “Dis-gorge” gullet action. I think more games could benefit from a disgorge action. 😜
Cosmic Frog never fails to create narratives and epic moments… and this session was no different. Early on, Talita used her mindborer ability to trigger Tristan’s frog to attack me- sending me into the Outer Dimensions… as pictured here. Here’s my frog looking sad.

However, I quickly busted out of the outer dimension and was looking to exact revenge… however Carl beat me to it….

Carl (green frog) attacked Talita (silver/Turquoise frog) – rolling an impressive 6 to 0… stealing all the contents of her gullet. 🤣 thank you Carl-ma (Karma).
However, as Carl gained more and more tiles, and was running away with the game, I might have surprise attacked Carl, sending him to the 6th outer dimension…

But it was too late, we had a surprise splinter that fractured the universe and ended the game!

Carl came first, with Tristan coming second. However, the true winner of the game was Karma – serving justice to all who deserved it (including me). 🤣. Great fun. Hope you’ve all enjoyed reading this nonsense.
(Ed. Thanks Mike for such an exciting story 🦖)