With so many away at PAX, this was by far our quietest Coastal Board Gamers event of the year. Even so, there were still some new faces and plenty of games being played. Here is this events list:
With several games played multiple times, some at the same time! At one stage we had two concurrent games of Century being played repeatedly! Here are a few notes from some of our members on the events of the night.
Mike and his cows
I taught “High Society” for the first time to Amy, Phil and Henry who all had fun- lots of laughter and table talk is always a good sign. My highlight was “the Henry strategy” which was to always bid +1 to the previous bid – great work mate.
Later I played Great Western Trail with Haydn and Belinda (her first time playing it) which was epic…
Final scoring was Belinda with a very respectable first score of 60, I got second place with 104 and Haydn smoked us with an EPIC 114!!!! Amazing game!
– Mike

Chris and his Camels

So last night I play just two games both of which were former Play to Win’s at CBG.
Firstly was Inside Job, which I bought on sale recently after playing at CBG . It was described as a very simple version of BSG as you need to work out who the insider is. Similar to The Crew as you also have to try and win the tricks. We played a 3 player game, and just played with the Insider and 2 agents. It’s a great game but better if you were to have have 4 or 5 players, so you can add in some of the other characters.
Then we played a 3 player Camel Up Card game followed by a 5 player game. I have to say that I preferred the 5 player game. it works better with more people. Some of us decided that if you weren’t in to betting style games, then this would be a good one as it’s very light hearted. I’d be keen to try the Camel Up Boards game to see how they both compare. Overall a great night. 🙂
– Chris
Thanks for your input Mike and Chris, great to hear from our attendees and their experiences at the events.
Campaign Corner
Our D&D Campaign, Ambria: The Rise of Apep continues. With our intrepid heroes beginning their journey into their latest dungeon. Hunting what they believe to be the cause of the strife the small town of Orlane finds itself.
Upon entering the dungeon, a party member disappeared! The search was on, where did Ash go? Is he safe? In hope to find the answer the party marches on.
Entering the next room they find a Trio of sleeping, dog sized, wingless dragons. Guard Drakes. And not to break from tradition they attempt to tame and recruit one….. This party and their pets….
After failing to continue their new hobby of “collect that NPC/Animal” they have ventured deeper to attempt to find their lost member. Stumbling upon a few familiar unfriendly faces, they act quick and convince the cult members they are meant to be there.
Stepping into what they thought was a storage cupboard with two captives, they now find themselves looking out on another hallway….
What will they find next? Will they get to Ash in time? Will they recruit the old lady in town to become their house keeper? Who knows? 🙃
Our next event, CBG Event# 80! will be on the 21st of October followed by the annual CBG Trivia Night on 28th!
Head to our Discord for more information and see you at the table!