RU OK 2 Play
Saturday 16th September saw us host our second annual R U Ok 2 Play Event, it was a huge success with 44 attendees made up of a few new faces, a few returning ones and our regulars, all mixing together to spread the message of “stronger together”. They were all warmly welcomed by our CBG Host Tim, and our MC for the night Belinda and given the welcome bag of goodies that kicked off the evening.
The Play to Wins were by far our most popular games of the night, I don’t think I saw any of the three tables empty, Penny and Narelle expertly guiding the players through the rules, ensuring everyone had as much fun as possible, if the laughs coming from the area were any indication.
Our guest speaker Elysia Cunningham gave an excellent talk on the benefits of social interaction towards maintaining good mental health and how board gaming is an excellent tool in the battle.
Thanks to our generous sponsors we were able to offer a variety of prizes through the night, much to the delight of our attendees, everyone enjoying the hunt for the meeple under the seat, as well as the raffle draws, play to wins, the welcome bags and the sausage sizzle, which leads me to a big thank you to our Chef Extraordinary Carl, who battled through the smoke and onion tears to cook our sausage sizzle.
Our biggest thanks go to you our attendees, who thank you to your generosity we will be able to make a donation of over $180 dollars to the R U Ok foundation, and hopefully we will see you all not only at our regular CBG Events but next years R U OK to play event.
The night wasn’t all about R U OK, we also had our regular library of games available to attendees and these also were hitting the table, one of the firm favourites of our regular attendees is Battlestar Galactica; the board game, and from all indications was a battle worth seeing with a Cylon actually being put into the airlock!
Terraforming Mars made it to the table a little late which meant that it wasn’t completed but still enjoyed by all 5 players.

The R U OK 2 Play Games
- Dixit (Play to Win)
- Inside Job (Play to Win)
- Splendor (Play to Win)
- Azul (Play to Win)
- Taco Hat Cake Gift Pizza
- Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game
- Dungeon Mayhem: Monster Madness
- Amsterdam
- Ticket to Ride: London
- Schotten Totten
- Zombie Kittens
- Blokus 3D
- Takenoko
- Carcassonne
- Spot It! HP
- Anomia
- Scrabble
- Arboretum
- Terraforming Mars
- It’s a Wonderful World
- Escape Room: The Game
- Splendor Duel
- Bananagrams
- Block Party