Event #61 Wrap Up

I tend to start these blogs saying something along the lines of “what a fantastic night for board games”. 


Who is going to argue with a view like this! Tassie put it on for Event #61!

Well, it was a great night on 7/1/2023 as always at CBG . Some new faces and a new member! 

Here are the games that made it to the table.

Jarod, Kathryn, Wendy and Josh started an interesting deck building game called Rune Stones. In Rune Stones as you build your deck you also destroy it. 


Playing cards will require you to remove the highest value card, most often the best card, from your deck. You use your cards to purchase more cards, gather gems and then forge those gems into Artifacts. These Artifacts can then be turned in for a Rune Stone and points. 


The different Rune Stones give a player a special ability, but the longer you hold off from claiming a Rune Stone the more points you will score when you finally do. 


This game also comes with a fantastic throne for the only purpose of allowing the victor to place their token on it and lord their victory over the table! Well done Lord Jarrod!


I hope this one becomes a regular in the games selection, I would love to give it a go. Just for the throne 😀   



Penny, Lynnette and Tristan were the Saboteurs. Need I say more? 


Ok. This I think was the table of the night. With a 7-player game of Saboteur, the accusations flowed freely. I’m not sure how many games were played but every one resulted in laughter and antics. With the repeated line of “well we all know who the Saboteur is now!” followed by a shrug or “I had no choice!”. 


At one point I even had to check the rulebook to see just how many Saboteurs are in a 7 player game as I was sure I knew 4! 


20 different games made it to the table at this event, several of them played multiple times! The library is growing every event both in volume and in variety. If you are wondering if there is a game you would know or if there would be something you would like here are some images of the 100+ Titles at this event! 

So grab a friend and come and have a game at Event #62 on 22/01/23. Our members are always happy to play something you bring along or show you something new. 

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