Wild weather outside and wild games inside! CBG’s 50th Event did not disappoint.
The night started off with some calm but tense Iron Curtain and Monopoly deal. The very pretty second edition of Libertalia hit the table along with Splendor, including the Cities of Splendor Expansion. Narelle taught 2 newbies and Tim A Feast for Odin including the expansion, and with that the night was off!
Splendor was a teaching game with Mother (L’nett), Daughter (Lita) and Aunt (J’nett). This was J’nett’s first time playing Splendor, as she is relatively new to the hobby. So for her first game of Splendor J’nett insisted on not only knowing how to play, but what the premise for the game was as well. This resulted in L’nett having to check the rulebook, not for an edge case rule or to clarify something, but to see what story the designer had come up with!
The antics only started there but should have been a sign of the night to come.

After a few games of Monopoly deal, Darcy, Clare and Chris moved on to Risk: Game of Thrones. For the first time I have ever seen a game of Risk didn’t end in someone storming out of the room vowing never to invite the other players to their birthday! This again was a civil but instance game with the tables turning at every dice throw.
With A Feast for Odin still going as night continued, some longer games were set up. Stroganov was among
the games setup. A learning game for all involved, it was slow to start with lots of time spent looking through the rulebook and soon enough the flow of the game fell into place.
One of the final games of the evening was Cosmic Frog and what a game it was. With Mike, Haydn, Talita, myself and newbie Pat. I have never seen Pat giggle like an evil mastermind before. He had been mind-controlled by Haydn to use his mind control special ability on my frog. This did not end well for my frog. This aggression was continued for several rounds towards not only myself but several frogs were in Pats crosshairs. Throughout all of this aggression Pat only succeeded in making himself a target, not getting the win but thoroughly enjoyed himself. Welcome Pat, to the addiction that is Cosmic Frog!
What a way to spend an evening of wind and rain, board games and laughter.
Can’t wait for the next 50 events to come!