Event #107 Wrap Up

It’s getting closer to Christmas and everything is starting to get busy. However plenty of people managed to find time to come to our first December Event and play these games:

  • Black Fleet
  • Terraforming Mars
  • Mastermind
  • Discworld
  • The Quest for El Dorado
  • It’s a Wonderful World
  • Red Dust Rebellion
  • Spirit Island
  • Ticket to Ride
  • Century Golem Edition
  • Ship Shape
  • Heat
  • (Turkish) Rummy-O
  • Century Golem Endless World
  • Coral Reef
  • Root
  • Not It
  • Labyrinth
  • Splendor
  • What the cup
  • Castles of Burgundy
  • The Mandalorian Adventures\
  • Blockus 3D

Our event got off to a great start, with plenty of members turning up, boosted by a couple groups of newcomers. One group of Turkish origin played a Turkish variant of Rummy, and while I’m a little rusty on the original, I was lost with the variant. Luckily they knew what they were doing and had a good time while they were here.


We had our usual campaign game of Terraforming Mars, summed up nicely by Jimmy, as well as a return of The Mandalorian Adventures from Tim, now a little further along thanks to some solo play, but joined by a few brave players to tackle the next couple of missions together.  I also get the feeling we’ll be seeing more Red Dust Rebellion in the next months as the players are trying out each of the asymmetric factions.


This event we had a communal puzzle going to get us all in the festive spirit. We were unfortunately missing all our competitive puzzlers, but alas the rest of us were able to finish it before the night was over.  Don’t miss our Christmas event next fortnight, come dressed in Christmas colours ready to share the joy with your fellow gamers!

1000 piece puzzle completed at the event

Campaign Report from Jim


Sat 7th Dec we played Game 3/6 of our Terraforming Mars Campaign. This time we played the flip side of the Hellas map, the Elysium map. The players were:

Mel (Yellow) – Point Luna
Cliff (Green) – Nirgal Enterprises
Lynette (Red) – DNP. We gave her an average of our scores.
Belinda (Black) – Helion
Myself (Blue) – Robinson Industries


Ok, right from the get go I’m not going to explain much of how my game went. We’ll just put it down to bad card draw and I probably got my lowest score…ever. So I’ll draw on the experiences of Belinda & Mel for this report. Cliff didn’t give me any feedback, but he didn’t need to, he won…and by a lot. Actions speak louder than words, eh? Belinda drove a great engine based on loads of plant cards. She even found Lynette’s ‘Potatoes’ card, so who owns the Potatoes now, eh? Mel was ever the strategist and probably the main reason for my huge loss, as every take that card played by Mel was directed at me! I guess if you’re leading the scores, you become a target, and rightfully so. She played the ‘Pets’ card, which was a great VP collector and the dog also resembles their pet Millie, which was cool. The only card I played which I thought was good was ‘Physics Complex’, which gives 2 VP for every science resource on it.


The Awards for this game were:

1st award – Industrialist (Most Steel & Energy resources) – won by Cliff

2nd award – Desert Settler (Most tiles owned on the bottom 4 rows) – won by myself

3rd award – Benefactor (most TR before anything else is counted) – won by Cliff (I think)


Game 4 will ramp up as the Venus Next expansion is added and we’ll be playing on the Cimmeria map, which has only recently been released.  Final game scores are shown amongst the attached pictures.

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