Event #108 Wrap Up

Saturday 21/12/2024 was the last CBG event before Christmas.  Fairly quiet night, brightened by Penny’s joyful hosting and everyone who came in their wonderful festive clothes. 🎄


Here are the games we played:

  • Terraforming Mars
  • Brass: Lancashire
  • Living Forrest
  • Odin’s Ravens
  • Root
  • Typewriter
  • Paperback
  • Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America
  • Bites
  • Legendary: A marvel Deck Building Game
  • Spellbook
  • Things in Rings
  • Qwirkle
  • Undaunted: Starlingrad
  • HEAT Pedal to the Metal
  • E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
  • It’s a Wonderful World

The coming week will be full of games!  Come to our exciting New Year’s Eve Event.  Followed up by our first Regular Event of 2025, on Saturday 04/01/2025 from 2pm.

Game Report by Narelle


Last Saturday’s event I was only able to be there for half of it but still had awesome fun.


I started out teaching Living Forest (with Kodama Expansion) to Zach, Kathryn and Jared. We had an awesome game where Jared was aiming for the fire winning condition and thought he was ahead but both Kathryn and I were coming up with the tree winning condition, Zach had gone hard on cards for his first game and completing his full hand each time. Just the move before Jared thought he was going to win, I upped the winning condition with the Kodomas and then came through for the win with Kathryn so close to me (or being able to change the tree winning condition to give her more of a change to pip me at the post) but just couldn’t make it to come in second.


The four of us then played Spellbook – with Zach being confident of this game but Jared being in the unknown. Kathryn started out with a strategy which seemed to frustrate Zach, but she stuck to her guns and even though once again Jared looked like he was going to win by making the most spells, Kathryn flew through to win by getting high quality spells and not negating her familiar board.    


We then only had a shortish time left before dinner so got out Things in Rings for a first time for all of us. This is a small box game by All Play which is a Venn Diagram game. We didn’t get a full go of this but were having fun and can’t wait to get it out again.

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