Event #105 Wrap Up

Event #105 turned out to be to be an unusually quiet one, with many familiar faces MIA over the long weekend. For those of us who made it, it proved to be another great night of fun and fellowship.


The following games were tabled:

  • Kingdomino
  • Aethermon: Collect
  • Heat: Pedal to the Metal
  • Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck
  • Building Game
  • The quest for El Dorado
  • Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
  • Copenhagen
  • Earth
  • Odin’s Ravens
  • Moon River
  • Shardhunters
  • Root
  • Expancity
  • Labyrinth
  • Skull King
  • Champions!
  • Canvas

With Jim’s Terraforming Mars campaign postponed until next event, here’s what he posted about his night:


Last night, I had got to break out the Marvel Legendary cases and teach young Maddison how to play, as Belinda and Dave H jumped on board to take out Dr. Doom in ‘The Legacy Virus’. Dr. Doom succeeded as we all got smashed with wounds galore, but as always it was a great game and even more fun teaching. Maddison, Belinda and Dave tried this setup again, but this time in ‘Portals to the Dark Dimension’, as I jumped over to a learning game of ‘Earth’, taught very well by Mel.

[Ed. Jimmy continues, speaking about a game called Earth] OMG, this game is just 👍👍👍. Building synergies between growing ecosystems in a tableau, with NO downtime between turns. Constantly thinking. So much going on, it’s just great, and it plays up to 5 people 😁. Thanks heaps Mel for teaching this gem! Out comes the purchase pen. First I bought ‘Raiders of the North Sea’ and now this? You guys are making me broke 🤣


Thanks to Jim’s tick of approval, I earned myself a second teach of ‘Earth’ with Tim, Zac and Maurice. It quickly became apparent that Zac had the game all figured out and built an ecosystem that was a mightily efficient engine, naturally taking out the win with a whopping 209 points.

At another table, Mike enjoyed some different games:


Another fun night at CBG!


First up was Legendary Encounters Alien where Nic, Oakley and myself played the Alien3 movie scenario. It didn’t take long for the trouble to start, and wounds to stack up. But we dug in – taking out Aliens, hazards, and Nic even managed two face huggers (fortunately killed off).

Later Josh, Penny, Nic and myself played a game of Root. Josh was a badger, Penny Eyrie birds, Nic the Underground Duchy (Moles), and I played a Vagabond.


Josh and Penny spread across the map, while I marched my single Vagabond around finding items. Nic was burrowing around building his engine.


Penny managed a big turn to shoot ahead and easily won the game. GG. It was a lot of fun.

Penny Eyrie 30

Nic Underground Duchy 24

Josh Keepers in Iron 18

Me Vagabond 15


Not that scores matter, right?

Thanks everyone for a fun night. 😎

Looking forward to our next event? Event #106 will be taking place on the 16th of November. New members welcome, bring your favorite game, or enjoy learning some of ours from the extensive board game library. Hope to see you then.

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