Event #103 Wrap Up

In a classic example of Tasmanian weather, it’s mid Spring and was a windy and wet Saturday. We didn’t mind too much though, because we were inside playing these games:

Marvel Legendary
Stone Age
Ticket to ride: Asia
The Mandalorian Adventures
Heat pedal to the metal
The quest for El Dorado
It’s a wonderful world
Monopoly D&D
Blokus 3D
Sushi Go!
Splendor Duel
Food Chain Island
Space Crusade
Rahajas of the Gangies
Hey that’s my fish
Settlers of Catan

It was nice to see some unexpected faces this event, Thanks for coming guy’s, especially those who had to cross Bass Strait to get here.


There were some new games this event, including a sneak peak at one that isn’t even released yet (Thanks Mike). Haydn got gifted the Monopoly, which was played with much grumbling. Skull was a hit, with many exclamations of both joy and disappointment.

Monopoly - Play it with Haydn!
Space Crusade - Ready to Fight...

Showing that old games are still fun, Space Crusade, released in 1990, made it’s first appearance at a CBG table.

It’s a 1v3 as an Alien player is pit against up to 3 Space Marine players, who use their commander and squad to clear out an infested ship and complete objectives, hopefully before succumbing to the aliens on board. Our Marines were able to succeed this time, but they may not have such luck on the next ship . . .

Finally, we’ve now got an accessibility page our website. It’s to give people an idea of what to expect at our events and answer some questions some might have. Go have a look and share it with those who might find it useful, so we can grow our board gaming community.


Event #103 (5/10/24) Joshua Newman

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