New players were welcomed at our 7th September 2024 event, fresh from the Devonport Expo of Everything. Thanks to Talita, Penny, Tim, Narelle, Josh and L’nett who all worked the Expo crowd. The CBG display was very popular, now and then people were waiting in line to enter our competition and see the displays!
The games we played:
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game
Genotype: A Mendelian Genetics Game
Ark Nova
Stonespine Architects
Ticket to Ride: Europe
Brass: Birmingham
Blokus 3D
Camel Up: The Card Game
Undaunted: Stalingrad
Yura Yura Penguin
Exploding Kittens
The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
Hey, That’s My Fish!

Next event on 21/09/2024 is R U OK 2 Play?
Join us for our 3rd “RUOK? 2 Play?” CBG event where we promote the mental health benefits of playing board games. Competitions, Prizes and fun to be had during the whole event. FREE ENTRY!