It seemed to be another week of long games, with only one or two tables having a quick turnover! Many of the games from the night will be familiar to those of you who have read the play lists over the last couple of sessions.
Final Girl – Core Box
Undaunted – Stalingrad
Ticket to Ride – Europe
Rajas of the Ganges
Heat: Pedal to the Metal
Great Western Trail
Five Tribes
It’s a Wonderful World
Drop Drive
Spirit Island
Kingdomino (two games at the same time!)
High Society
Ship Shape: It’s a Smuggler’s Bounty!
Century – Golum Edition
Nuns on the Run
The Crew – Mission Deep Sea
Alien Frenzy
Splendor Duel
Project L
The general feel was serious fun, with only a few hoots and hollers of success or disappointment throughout the night!
Mike and Talita experienced love and loss of their developed characters in their Undaunted campaign.
And there was a surprise birthday celebration for an anonymous member!
I thoroughly enjoyed learning Five Tribes, a simple concept with enough layers to be interesting, but not too many that it was overwhelming to learn.

The other game I learned, Nuns on the Run, also needed a lot of move-planning in my head… A bit of a struggle towards the end of the night! But a lot of fun. And, despite the similarity, very different game play.

There have also been a number of Boardgame Arena games being played between weekend events – sign up for a free account at and find people’s usernames in the discord channel!
Thanks to everyone who signed up or renewed their memberships on the weekend – it’s great to have so many of you as members! Please talk to Josh or the hosts at any event to sign up.
Reminder that the last chance to RSVP to the dinner is next event, the 17th of August.
The 17th of August is also the 100th event! There will be some extra celebrations. CBG’s most played game, High Society, will be available as a Play to Win.
[Ed. Event date 03-08-2024]