16th of March at Apex House, Ulverstone
This event saw a few new faces, some we haven’t seen in a while and plenty of regular attenders, and the same could be said for the games list!
Games Played:
Settlers of Catan
Brass Birmingham
Trash Pandas
Mountain Goats
Dog Park
It’s a Wonderful World
Raccoon Tycoon
Terra Mystica
Tarraforming Mars
Rolling Realms
The quest for El Dorado
Spirit Island
Camel up
Ticket to Ride: Europe
Wonderlands War
Trolls and Princesses
Dungeons and Dragons: Grim Hollow
A few of our members have given a summary of their nights in the discord, such as this one from Chris:
I only played 2 games yesterday, but both were excellent. It was great to get out Distilled again and teach two new players. Carl managed to storm to the win with a really simple engine and not needing to age any spirits. Then I played a new game for me. Trolls & Princesses. Narelle did an amazing job of teaching the game and Katy helped out with some tips and suggestions along the way. It was a great game to learn and even though I came last it was a lot of fun. I’d have to play it again to consolidate the rules. A great event once again.
It also saw the last of the 3 League games for this month. The game was Wonderlands War and while the league is based on the final positioning of each player, tonight’s game had the highest score, with Jared winning on 88 points!
It’s been awhile since we heard from the Campaign corner, so here’s a brief report to fill you in.
Campaign Corner Report
The Party has conquered the tower they were exploring in the last report. Upon returning to the town of Feather fall from which they had departed, they were surprised to discover that what was a couple days for them was actually months for everyone else. While they were gone the town had come under attack from the Cult of Apep that the party have been tangling with, and while it’s quiet for now, the occupying army says it’s not over yet.
After getting their bearings last session, we began this session with a very short list of objectives. The main one was talking to the commander of the resident army and ascertaining what was going on, which resulted in a long discussion, much story progression and the party placed under “Protective custody” in their home.
Some of the inevitable shenanigans that occurred were Dawz swapping appearance many times as her hat of disguise gave the DM a new minigame, the shadiest character Zahollo playing group parent, and Ash leaving the house as a rat, thrown by Volgath.