Event #82 Wrap Up

The games we played on 18/11/2023:

  • Heat: Pedal to the Metal
  • Fighters of the Pacific
  • CULTivate
  • Near and Far
  • Fresco
  • Legendary: A Marvel Deck
  • Building Game
  • The Fox in the Forest Duet
  • Gold West
  • Union Stockyards
  • Muffin Time
  • Century: Spice Road
  • Pass the Pigs
  • Kingdomino
  • Odin’s Ravens
  • Age of Comics
  • Blackjack
  • Dungeons & Dragons
  • Gobble
  • Splendor: Marvel
  • Broken and Beautiful: A Game About Kintsugi
Union Stockyards
Union Stockyards

Campaign Corner: Firefly Campaign

Over the last four months Katy, L’nette, David and Tim have been playing through Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game at Campaign Corner. The official BGG entry states, “players take on the roles of characters from the series and work together to complete objectives for episodes from the Firefly TV show.”

Here are some highlights from our journey in the ‘verse:

  • Best homework ever … watching 3 episodes of the Firefly TV show to prepare for each game!
  • Ethical decisions presented during the game allowed us to face difficult choices like the characters in the show, with the consequences affecting the start of next game. At the end of our first game, we voted to keep the medical supplies we had stolen rather than returning them the to the folks that desperately needed them! Katie was disgusted but David persuaded us all that we needed to use them to save one of our own crew instead.
  • Early on we acquired some important Serenity ship upgrades that served us well for the rest of the game. Reinforced Hull allowed for an extra ship upgrade. Fire Suppression System enabled us to repair the ship faster. Enhanced Sensors made it easier to scan the ‘verse for enemies.
  • Simon was a popular character because of his ability to heal other crew members. Jayne and Zoe were very helpful as strong fighters and River had many hidden talents.
  • David was playing the character Mal at a time when he ended up left behind with no clothes. This meant David had to start the next game naked! (That is, without any cards at the start of the game.)

The final game was a big finish. We had a giant space battle with lots of Alliance and Reaver ships. Unfortunately, Serenity (our ship) was not up to it … we got destroyed in the space battle during the last game of the campaign! During that last game some of us missed/refused the chance to cooperate and take a ‘disadvantage’ to help the crew. A few of us did that in a row and we lost control of the battle. So, after months of playing, we lost at the very end. Even with this result the campaign was a great success and we had lots of fun.

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