Saturday the 2nd of September was a great night for introducing a bunch of new people to our hobby. We had a presence at the Expo of Everything in Devonport, an event organised by the City Council to learn something new, make connections, join a club, learn a new skill, take up a new hobby. Along with Penny’s excellent recruiting skills we had quite a few new member show up. A larger selection of gateway games were selected to get our newbies up to speed. We had Splendor Duel, Monster Madness, and the old favourites Labyrinth and Nidavellir.
Meanwhile, Myself and Lynette did our best hosting duties, welcoming everyone, pointing out where the toilets are, explaining the general flow of the evening, and blasting everyone with music from the speakers and far too high a volume.
Our ongoing Near and Far campaign rolled through it’s next section in the book.
Mike laid out the latest, compact, COIN game called People Power. This is based on the Philippine revolution that booted the Marcos regime from power in the 1980s. It plays much quicker that the other COIN (COunter INsurgency) games and looks like a great way to introduce new players to the mechanics present in the other, larger games such as Cuba Libre, Fire in the Lake, Falling Sky and so on.
Circadians: First Light attracted a good group of players, interested in the idea of being researchers introducing themselves to a newly discovered planet and the complexities of the various tribes there-upon.
Dinner was an interesting time, getting to know the newcomers. There were also a few announcements about our next events. The RU OK to play day, which CBG will be supporting on the 16th of September, is shaping up to be a great time There was also some fun news for the upcoming Trivia Night on the 28th of October, with the announcement of a costume competition! It does coincide with the Halloween weekend, after all.
After dinner things swung back into the usual rhythm of Penny’s inevitable game of Catan, and a good variety of other games. I got to join in on a game of Twilight Inscription, which is a roll and write version of Twilight Imperium. It’s one of the more complex roll and writes, and while it doesn’t have the overall feel of the longer board game, it does a great job distilling some of those moments down to a fun playing experience. War Suns for the win.
Overall, we played many games and had a lot of fun. We hope you can join us for our next session on the 16th of September.
Games List
People Power: Insurgency in the Philippines, 1981-1986
Circadians: First Light
Near and Far
Splendor Duel
Century: Golem Edition
Dungeon Mayhem: Monster Madness
UNO Flip!
What the Cup!?
Twilight Inscription
Shifting Stones
A Touch of Evil: Dark Gothic
5-Minute Dungeon
Endangered Orphans: House of Rath
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
Gold West
Ticket to Ride: London