On one of the wettest nights of the year so far, it seemed to bring out all the newer gamers with numerous first timers coming along, also considering a few of our regulars had other commitments we still ended up having over 30 people attend the event which shows our club is growing!
The range of games played were as varied as the people.

We had one game last all night between 2 club members, War Room.
All was quiet in the pacific…. Then the USA attacked Japan! Well at least that’s how it went on Saturday night. Mike and I had a learning game of War Room. War Room is an epic WW2 simulation game, and the Pacific War is the 2-player map. We spent the entire night playing and still didn’t finish! It’s just that epic.
War Room is a simple enough game, mechanics wise, but is very complex in strategy and tactics. The meat of the game takes place in filling in your orders. A small 3×3 or 3×2 grid that contains what units you would like to move where.
This can be seen here:

So here the 5th fleet moved back to Japan’s home waters to help defend.
You also produce and use different resources depending on the territories your country control. They are used mainly to produce new units but may also be used in the healing/repairing of units and in oils case, bidding for turn order.
So after 3 rounds, on average 2h per round Japan won! But only just. Mike and I hope to get a full 6 player game happening soon, but that will take all day!

Other games that were played:
- Bohnanza
- Magic: The Gathering
- Trash Pandas
- Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
- Just One
- Five Tribes
- The Crew: Mission Deep Sea
- Azul
- Distilled
- Bananagrams
- Ticket to Ride: London
- Hues and Cues
- Telestrations
- Are You Dumber Than a Box of Rocks?
- A Feast for Odin
- Nidavellir
- Labyrinth
- A Little Wordy
- Draftosaurus
- Anomia
- Organ Attack!
- Harry Potter Hogwarts
- Sushi Go!
- Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
- War Room
- High Society
- RA
- Dungeon Mayhem: Monster Madness
Telestrations, which caused much laughter and enjoyment by all players.
Dinner was a fun affair with people braving the rain to go into town to get their meals, (apparently dinner of the night came from Wishbone Chicken 😀) with one member’s meal of fresh chips, chicken being coveted.
Big Thank you to all who attended and especially our fantastic volunteers who helped set up and clean up, a special mention and thank you to Luigi J for vacuuming for us!
(Event date 15/04/2023)