Welcome, folkes, to my first wrap up as a new Committee member!
In spite of the floods, rain and terrible condition of the roads leading into Lilico, we had an excellent turn out. I am assured that the wonky label printing will be sorted out by the next event, but the evening did involve a few examples of having to ask people their name. Fortunately, all of the attendees were able to remember, and responded accordingly.
A special welcome to our first time attendee Dorian. (mad applause)
We played an interesting selection of games over the course of the evening, with many smaller games getting to the table, amidst the bigger games. The evening was dominated by a six player game of Eclipse (second edition), which, I understand, went very badly for Carl thanks to Talita’s aggressive expansion. The ending I missed, as I was thoroughly involved in my own game of Obsession at that point, which may become my new obsession. Perhaps one of the Eclipseers could give us a quick blow-by-blow in the comments below.

Over the course of the evening we played:
Nacho Pile
Aeon’s End
The King is Dead
Joking Hazard
Kingdomino Origins
Crash Octopus
Shifting Stones
Exploding Kittens
So Clover
Dixit (Odyssey)
Mystic Vale
Tulip Bubble
Secret Hitler
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Living Forest
My excellent organisational skills were on display as our pizza night only had one slice left over. This was lucky, as my terrible serving skills were also on display resulting in my dropping a slice on the floor.
During dinner we heard some interesting accounts from people able to attend PAX Aus. Narelle and Marion, James and I all told of the shiny wonders in that great exhibition hall across the waters.

Overall, a really fun event. As the person on the door I found it particularly nice to be able to greet everyone, new faces and old, and see people engrossed in their enjoyment.
Next event is the first weekend in November (Saturday the 5th) from 2pm to 10pm. To tide us over this longer break there is also a Trivia Night! This will also be held at Fuchsia Fantasy on Saturday October 29th, from 7pm to 10pm.
And remember, folks, your first event is free!